Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Here's a brief excerpt from Tim Adams' 9-1-24 GUARDIAN interview with Jeffrey J. Kripal, author of HOW TO THINK IMPOSSIBLY:

ADAMS: Let me ask about, for example, your thoughts on UFO sightings. You suggest they happen more frequently to people who’ve had near-death experiences, because, I think you argue, those people’s hold on “normal” reality is weaker?

KRIPAL: I think the normal way of thinking about a UFO as some kind of extraterrestrial spaceship is naive. I think something’s going on that is much more related to our spiritual histories in ways that we don’t understand. We interpret it in this technological way: it’s a spaceship. It can’t be, you know, the world of the dead. God forbid.

To read the entire interview, click HERE

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