Monday, June 3, 2024

BUSINESS INSIDER on Rewriting Ancient Human History

From Jenny McGrath's 5-29-24 BUSINESS INSIDER article entitled "22,000-year-old Artifacts Could Rewrite Ancient Human History in North America":

North and South America were the last inhabited continents that modern humans settled thousands of years ago, but when and how they reached the Americas remains a mystery.

"We don't know who these first peoples were," Todd Braje, executive director of the University of Oregon Museum of Natural and Cultural History, told Business Insider. We don't know "where they came from, when they arrived, the technologies that they had available," he added.

For many years, archaeologists thought the first humans to set foot in the Americas did so around 13,000 years ago. But more recently, new findings have challenged that theory, pushing the timeline back even further.

Now, a recent series of discoveries on Parsons Island, Maryland, could wind back the clock yet again. And it raises some difficult questions about early human migration across North America...

To read the entire article, click HERE.

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