Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Recommended Reading: "The Green Wall Plot" by Nick Mamatas

Nick Mamatas, who generously provided a fantastic blurb for my latest book, CRYPTOPOLIS & OTHER STORIES, published a brand new short story earlier today on INTERZONE DIGITAL. The story is a dystopian satire entitled "The Green Wall Plot" that evokes memories of Bernard Wolfe's LIMBO (1952). Here's a brief excerpt: 

The residents of the United State are the most remarkable of all human beings – they are members of the first literate society to actually forsake ‘freedom’. The quote marks are vital here; almost every civilization forsakes freedom sooner or later, and to a greater or lesser extent, but it happens by way of contradiction. Every other society we monitor eliminates freedom by claiming that oppression is freedom. They change the definition of freedom to mean various and multifarious unfreedoms. The Ciphers of the United State rejected the very word ‘freedom’ and instead exult in unfreedom, and even seek to spread their peculiar stance elsewhere, elsewhere beyond the nation-laboratory in which we have them housed.

To read Mamatas' entire short story, click HERE.

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