Thursday, August 22, 2024

"Shaking Down the Goon" in THE MAILER REVIEW

A couple of days ago I received my contributor's copy of THE MAILER REVIEW'S 15th anniversary edition. This volume not only contains my autobiographical short story "Shaking Down the Goon" but also a nonfiction piece, "Noir Trailblazer," in which I discuss Ida Lupino's breakthrough contributions to film noir and Philip Sipiora's recent cinema book, IDA LUPINO, FILMMAKER (published by Bloomsbury).

Readers of BELA LUGOSI AND THE MONOGRAM NINE might be interested to know that my MONOGRAM NINE co-author, Gary D. Rhodes, has a quartet of poems included in this same issue. 

Click HERE to order a copy of THE MAILER REVIEW VOL. 15!

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