Friday, November 4, 2022

The ODNI UFO Report

From Josh Boswell's 10-31-22 DAILY MAIL article entitled "New Classified Report to Congress Says Only HALF of UFO Sightings Can Be Properly Explained, Leaving Nearly 200 Mysteries Unsolved – as Critics Say Investigators 'Glossed Over' Unknown Cases":

A classified report due to be sent to Congress Monday lists more than 150 cases of unexplained UFO encounters by military and government officials in the past year, sources told exclusively.

The 22-page report, compiled by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), analyzes 366 cases – and only about half of them could be explained, two sources close to the department said [...].

A public version of the report, stripped of classified information, is due to be published by ODNI Monday but sources say both the classified and unclassified versions have been delayed by a few days.

The UFO dossier is the debut of an annual report mandated by last year's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), part of a slew of new legislation forcing more government transparency on unexplained phenomena in our airspace and seas.

The 366 cases sources described in the classified report represent a large increase from the 144 covered in a 'preliminary assessment' published last year by the ODNI.

The June 2021 dossier said one case had been explained as a balloon, and of the remaining 143 unexplained cases dated between 2004 and 2021, 80 reports 'involved observation with multiple sensors'.

All cases came from 'US government sources'.

Members of the intelligence community who are eager for the government to address the issue of unexplained craft in our skies, were disappointed by the report's focus on cases investigators were able to solve.

'They're patting themselves on the back that they've resolved over half of them,' the ODNI source said.

'But we don't give a crap about the ones they've resolved. Yeah, there's balloons up there, and balloons are sometimes mistaken for UAP.

'But there are s***loads of classified videos that are pretty profound and pretty clear.

'They don't want to talk about this stuff, because they really, really don't know what the hell they are. That's the truth.'

The classified report has been sent to the Armed Services, Appropriations, Foreign Affairs or Relations, and Intelligence committees of the House and Senate.

The 2022 NDAA, signed into law last December, requires the government to release a public report on UFO incidents each year by October 31, with a classified annex sent only to lawmakers with security clearance.

But sources told that ODNI instead wrote a single, classified report and is running a few days behind schedule delivering it to Congress and creating a public, declassified version.

To read the entire article, click HERE. 


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