Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Mind Control & the Boston Bomber

According to Boston Globe journalists Sally Jacobs, David Filipov and Patricia Wen, Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev believed he was a victim of mind control.  The original 12-15-13 Boston Globe article, entitled "The Fall of the House of Tsarnaev," can be read HERE.  A brief excerpt follows:

"[Don] Larking and Tamerlan, who met when Tamerlan visited his mother at work, took an immediate liking to one another and shared their views on conspiracy theory and American politics. Larking loaned his young friend copies of a newspaper he reads, 'The Sovereign, newspaper of the Resistance!’, which suggests that US military explosives were used in the World Trade Center attack. But Larking found that Tamerlan had strong political views of his own. He did not, for example, approve of President Obama’s use of drones in foreign conflicts or what he considered the US government’s expansive foreign policy.
"'He felt the US should not get involved in other people’s affairs and should stick to its own business,' said Larking. 'He did not like the country’s involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq at all.'
"As their relationship grew closer, Tamerlan confided in Larking his troubling secret about the voice inside his head. Tamerlan told him that he had been hearing the voice for some time, and that he had a theory of what might be afflicting him.
"'He believed in majestic mind control, which is a way of breaking down a person and creating an alternative personality with which they must coexist,' explained Larking. 'You can give a signal, a phrase or a gesture, and bring out the alternate personality and make them do things. Tamerlan thought someone might have done that to him.'
"The person inside him, as Tamerlan described it to Larking, 'was someone who wanted to control him to make him do something.'"
Paul Joseph Watson's illuminating analysis of the Globe's reportage can be found HERE.

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