Monday, January 18, 2016

A World of Stalking Fools: Strange Tales of Homeland Security and the Future of Mass Surveillance (Part Two: Total Deniability)

[Part One of this series can be found by clicking HERE.]

Plausible deniability, so in vogue during the Watergate era, has now been supplanted by total deniability.

How was this accomplished?  The answer is so obvious one wonders why it took so long for the Cryptocratic Bad Brains to implement it on a mass scale:  Make sure these violations of the law are not committed by any current member of a police organization or intelligence agency.  The field work—involving active harassment, spying, psychological warfare, and physical torture from a distance—is farmed out to eager civilians, some of whom may not even be paid for the privilege of stalking their fellow citizens.  In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest that many of these civilians actually pay others in order to be trained in these techniques. 

Since my book Chameleo was published, specific information has come to the fore about who these gangstalkers really are.  Official police organizations and intelligence agencies are forbidden from tormenting people they “suspect” are guilty.  In our glorious post-9/11 society, these watchdogs of ethical purity have conjured up a rather circuitous route by which to enact their vengeance against those who they believe are rotting away at the moral structure of modern society.  They use civilian organizations—those that have been founded by former members of the law enforcement and/or intelligence communities—to attack these “suspicious” types by proxy.  According to a very well-respected Constitutional lawyer (whose identity must remain anonymous for the time being), one such organization is the LEIU, the Law Enforcement Intelligence Units. 

No doubt, the vast majority of you have never heard of the LEIU, and yet this is by no means a covert organization.  It's quite a trick to hide in plain sight, a trick made famous over one hundred and seventy years ago by none other than Edgar Allan Poe.  Poe taught us all a valuable lesson in 1844 when he wrote his classic short story, “The Purloined Letter,” featuring the world’s very first literary detective, C. Auguste Dupin.  In “The Purloined Letter” Dupin is recruited by the French police to locate a stolen letter, the contents of which might reflect unfavorably upon the royal family.  The police have torn apart the thief’s apartment in search of this letter and have come up empty-handed.  Out of desperation the police approach Dupin, who makes a great display of showing off his superior intellect by immediately pointing out the obvious:  The thief, a man known only as Minister D--, never hid the letter at all.  He simply placed it on the letter holder on the mantelpiece.  The object of their quest had been staring the police in the face the entire time.
Poe’s principle applies to intelligence agency tactics in the present day.  As Marshall McLuhan once wrote, “Only the small secrets need to be protected.  The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity” (Take Today 92).

Jim Steinmeyer, a world-renowned expert in the history of stage magic, offers a similar perspective in his celebrated chronicle of the illusionist’s art, Hiding the Elephant:  How Magicians Invented the Impossible and Learned to Disappear: 

[T]here’s a long, important tradition of magic being recorded and published.  As my good friend Jay Marshall, the man behind the counter at the magic shop, has said for many years:  “If you want to keep something a secret, publish it.”  Once in print, information is often filed, forgotten, or dismissed.  Publishing a secret takes away its cachet and causes it to be overlooked.  (xx) 

Let’s pause a moment and kick off our Dupin-like investigation at the most obvious starting point of all.  Like the purloined letter sitting out in the open on Minister D--’s mantel, the LEIU maintains a public website, which describes the organization as follows:

In 1956, the Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU) was founded to facilitate the sharing of confidential criminal information between law enforcement agencies.  Over the ensuing decades, LEIU has expanded its role by providing professional training for criminal intelligence practitioners and analysts while setting nationally accepted criminal intelligence standards.  Today, with 200 member agencies and a voice at the national level, LEIU’s mission is to provide leadership and promote professionalism in the criminal intelligence community in order to protect public safety and constitutional rights.

This requires some amount of reinterpretation.  What they mean is that they intend to protect the constitutional rights of their friends and relatives and cronies in the intelligence community and to hell with everyone else, particularly if “everyone else” are commie-pinko-symps who engage in peaceful civil disobedience against a government sliding rapidly into outright fascism.  According to my source (the aforementioned Constitutional lawyer), this is precisely what occurred to the Clamshell Alliance in New England.  The attorney hired to defend the unconstitutional actions of the aforementioned atomic power plant casually confided in the Alliance’s attorney that a “vigilante group” named the LEIU had been responsible for infiltrating the anti-nuclear activist group.  The New England gentleman did not swear the attorney to secrecy when telling him this; he was simply sharing an open secret.  He even gave the attorney copies of the LEIU newsletter.  Here’s just one choice quote from the March, 2012 edition of the newsletter:  “As we sit here 10 plus years since the September 11th attack, I believe the one thing that we can agree on is that intelligence and information-sharing opportunities have never before been this prevalent” (Godsey 1).

Indeed.  The LEIU uses carefully worded language on its website to reveal to the initiated, with a wink and a nod, the true purpose of the organization: 

After 9/11/01 the demand for and consumption of intelligence became a national priority.  The National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan endorsed the concept of an intelligence system which would allow connectivity and sharing among local, state, tribal and federal authorities for the purpose of effectively protecting the homeland.  This Plan also endorsed the need to have universal adoption of and adherence to certain proven rules for the collection, maintenance, dissemination and purging of intelligence information.  The rules endorsed, the Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit Criminal Intelligence File Guidelines and Code of Federal Regulations, Title 28, Part 23, have long been in use in local and state jurisdictions.

One of the many advantages of these two sets of rules is that they have been tested and have proven to strike an appropriate balance between the legitimate needs of law enforcement and the legitimate concerns of the civil liberties community.  When properly followed they avoid situations in which there are revelations of unnecessarily broad invasions of citizens’ privacy without a legitimate law enforcement purpose or the creation of intelligence files without existence of a criminal predicate.

Study carefully that last sentence:  “When properly followed they avoid situations in which there are revelations of unnecessarily broad invasions of citizens' privacy without a legitimate law enforcement purpose….”  The sentence doesn’t say that the organization refuses to engage in “unnecessarily broad invasions of citizens’ privacy.”  It simply says that if the LEIU’s time-tested methods are followed, “revelations” of such invasions will be avoided.  Again, the purloined letter is right there for all to see, sitting on the mantelpiece, a glowing sign attached to it that reads:  SEE HOW VERY CLEVER I AM.

Not only does the Law Enforcement Intelligence Units sell their own line of specialized product (e.g., polo shorts, mugs, coins, lapel pins, pencil caddies, paper weights, mouse pads, and shot glasses) for the LEIU enthusiast, but more significantly they offer “training events” in major metropolitan cities all across the United States to those willing to pay the not-so-exorbitant fees in order to be initiated over the course of five days into the mysteries of civilian law enforcement, i.e., vigilantism, i.e., gangstalking.  Their last gala event was held in Phoenix, Arizona from May 4th to the 8th, 2015.  For only $650.00 you too could have gained “access to all non-law enforcement sensitive training, refreshments, and social events (including Banquet).”


Think about all the stories of police brutality that assail us every year via the news.  Think about how common it is for trained professionals with decades of experience to overreach their authority and take upon themselves the role of judge, jury and (more and more common these days) executioner.  Now think about how much more common such “incidents” will be when you give some wanna-be cop a week’s intensive training, and then send that person out into the world under the auspices of a “civilian” watchdog organization like the LEIU.  If you pause for a moment and think back to some of the most prominent headlines of the past few years, I think you might come to a reasonable conclusion:  that we’ve already seen the results of such vigilantism on a tragic scale that have made headlines around the world. 

Did George Zimmerman have some connection to the LEIU (or an LEIU-type organization) before he decided to play Neighborhood Watchcop and viciously murdered an innocent black teenager named Trayvon Martin on the night of February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida?  If so, why haven’t we heard of any such connections?  Because no investigative journalist has bothered to look into the matter, because the issue of “gangstalking” is completely off the radar of mainstream journalists.  The total blackout of gangstalking is not at all dissimilar to the way that the conspiracy known as “Watergate” was completely off the radar of mainstream journalists when Mae Brussell (often referred to by fans and critics alike as “the Queen of Conspiracies”) first wrote about the cover-up in the pages of Paul Krassner’s The Realist, an alternative magazine that was mainly known for its scathing satire, not for its serious investigative journalism.  Similarly, when the growing government corruption that surrounds the issue of gangstalking breaks in the mainstream media at last, thousands of professional journalists will once again be revealed as the barely competent cheerleaders-for-hire they really are.

When George Zimmerman was found “not guilty” of Trayvon Martin’s murder on June 13, 2013, despite the overwhelming evidence against him, the world community couldn’t believe it.  The day Zimmerman escaped his due punishment, my friend Dion Fuller (the subject of Chameleo) sent me an email in which he wrote, “…in my very valuable opinion, this ‘kid’ has the stink of the all new American Secret Police from day one.  He’s a gaslighting closet cop who is obviously too nutty to make it as a real cop, but that didn’t stop the new and improved crypto-control apparatus from exploiting that douche bag to Hell and back.”

Obviously, Dion is speculating a great deal here, so let’s pause a moment and assume that Zimmerman has no real ties to the gangstalking community at all.  If so, this wouldn’t change the fact that Zimmerman is the perfect poster boy for the type of drone drawn into the world of gangstalking.  Motivated by a deadly combination of far-rightwing politics and Christian outrage, these “perps” (as targeted individuals often refer to these criminals) seem to exhibit all the signs of being self-righteous control freaks who suffer from the overwhelming desire to stick their noses into the lives of others, perhaps because they have none of their own—just as Zimmerman decided, for no good reason, to insert himself into the life of Trayvon Martin with the barrel of a 9mm pistol.  The novelist William S. Burroughs once pithily referred to these types as “basic shits”:

Most of the trouble in the world has been caused by folks who can’t mind their own business, because they have no business of their own to mind, any more than a smallpox virus has.  Now your virus is an obligate cellular parasite, and my contention is that evil is quite literally a virus parasite occupying a certain brain area which we may term the RIGHT center.  The mark of a basic shit is that he has to be right […].

This RIGHT virus has been around for a long time, and perhaps its most devoted ally has been the Christian Church:  from the Inquisition to the Conquistadores, from the American Indian Wars to Hiroshima, they are RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT.  (The Adding Machine 15-16)

Zimmerman is the classic example of a Burroughsian basic shit.  Now, let’s speculate that such a shit is itching to become involved in law enforcement, but is prevented from doing so due to the fact that, as my friend Dion so eloquently put it, he’s “too nutty to make it as a real cop.”  The answer to such previously unattainable desires can now be satiated by giving the LEIU 650 bucks and a week of your time.  Assuming you survive the no doubt rigorous standards of such training, you can now move on to become a member of what is referred to as “a civilian intelligence community program,” i.e., people who specialize in spying, harassing, and collecting intelligence on their neighbors.  Keep in mind that this eager new initiate into the exciting and shadowy world of “community intelligence” isn’t exactly the brightest bulb in the batch.  If he was, he’d already be on his way to becoming a real cop and not a pretend one.  These people are not critical thinkers.  They tend to accept what they’re told.  If the organizer of the “civilian intelligence community program” tells our new initiate that the young couple who live down the block are anti-government terrorists with ties to al-Qaeda, or child pornographers, or just plain old drug pushers who need to be watched 24/7, for the most part said initiate will simply take this on faith and proceed to harass and spy on the young couple in question.  Here’s the ultimate irony:  Thinking they’re fighting rampant terrorism and crime, they’re unknowingly engaging in terrorism and crime.  The way these “civilian intelligence community programs” are organized is very similar to the structure of a terrorist cell. 

Terrorist cells are structured in such a way that if one member is ever captured or interrogated, he can never reveal any significant information about the organization because he was never given such information in the first place.  In fact, he may not even know that he’s part of the organization at all or, if he does, the exact nature of his true function in that organization.  The intelligence community has employed this structure for years on classified projects.  The vast majority of the scientists employed by the Manhattan Project didn’t know they had been working on an atom bomb until the day Hiroshima was decimated.  The big difference here is that helping to develop the atom bomb was not unconstitutional.  Gangstalking is. 

It’s very possible that some of the low-level initiates into the “civilian intelligence community programs” and/or gangstalking programs are reading this very article.  If so, you should understand something:  You are being duped into committing criminal, unconstitutional acts for the benefit of manipulative authoritarians who have no interest whatsoever in the well-being of you or your country.  This illegal activity will be exposed.  Just like Watergate, the cracks in your organizations will grow wider and wider.  And just like Watergate, the exposure will come from within.  Consider the strong possibility that there are many people working within these organizations who are very unhappy with how this situation has devolved over the course of the past fifteen years.  What seemingly began as a way to protect the United States from another devastating terrorist attack has now transformed into an all-out assault on innocent civilians who are arbitrarily considered “unworthy” to live a peaceful life—either because such people are deemed to be unruly agitators due to their political point of view, or simply because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and had the misfortune of getting under the skin of some uptight bureaucrat who decided to exploit the resources of the black budget to “get even” with said individual. 

There are some perps who are literally being blackmailed into taking part in this illegal surveillance, and these reluctant gangstalkers are turning against their masters in subtle, covert ways.  There are also high-level architects who, growing more and more disgusted by what their beloved program has become, are trying their damndest to cover their own asses when all of this eventually blows up in the faces of the empty suits who signed off on this mass surveillance program.  Such survivalists are no doubt slowly gathering evidence against their compatriots.  Despite having similar religious and political beliefs, the people in charge of this program do not trust each other at all.  Addiction to surveillance naturally leads to more surveillance.  The watchers begin watching each other.  Sooner or later, no one can be trusted.  As with the dictatorial “Leader” in Alan Moore and David Lloyd’s classic dystopian graphic novel, V for Vendetta, the role of Big Brother can be a very lonely and paranoia-inducing one—particularly if you serve on an entire committee of Big Brothers, all of whom are vying for the top position.  Such power plays become untenable after a while.  Again, all you have to do is look at what happened to Nixon’s White House.  Or as William Burroughs once said, “Control is controlled by its need to control.”

To Be Continued In “A World of Stalking Fools” Part Three (Coming Soon)….

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