[Part Two of this series can be found by clicking HERE.]
The desire for control runs rampant
through our 21st century society.
What with the advent of Facebook, YouTube, and other such self-surveillance
technology, many citizens aren’t afraid of the rise of Big Brother
anymore. Instead, they want to be Big Brother. To find evidence of this strange sociological
phenomenon, glance through your local newspaper; you might come across a mysterious
ad searching for “surveillance role players.”
You may very well have seen these ads and passed right over them, not
understanding what you were seeing (yes, just like Poe’s purloined
In August of 2013 an intriguing ad
popped up on Craigslist. This ad seems
to give an official name to the perpetrators who engage in gangstalking. For years targeted individuals had no idea what
the gangstalkers called themselves. One can’t ignore the significance of the
Orwellian, bureaucratic language at play here:
The MASY Group is looking for motivated surveillance role players (SRPs) and scenario
driven practical exercise Role Players (RPs) to support military training activities
in the San Diego, California region. Qualified personnel should demonstrate an
established track record of conducting surveillance operations at various
discretion levels, supporting surveillance training and military practical
exercise training. Individuals with
previous military, intelligence community and law enforcement experience are
highly preferred.
Please note that the mandatory prerequisite
qualifications for Role Players are as follows (b):
“A minimum of 5 years of counterintelligence (CI) and or human
intelligence (HUMINT) experience with at least 2 operational deployments in a
CI/HUMINT military occupational specialty (MOS) or as a member of a civilian intelligence community organization”
[emphasis mine].
This is tantamount to placing an ad
on Craigslist searching for a military veteran who’s had either five years of
experience in the Navy or has at
least ridden the submarine ride at Disneyland twice in one week. This demonstrates how highly these
corporations regard any level of involvement in gangstalking activity, even if
you’ve simply spent a few years keeping a detailed journal on your neighbor’s
highly subversive consumption of The
Daily Show. Also note that the ad
specifically states that the “place of performance” will be the “San Diego region.” For those who have already read my book Chameleo, you will know that most of the
gangstalking activity endured by my friend Dion occurred in the Pacific Beach
area of San Diego, the military town of all military towns.
(By the way, it's also important to note that someone apparently decided it was time for the phrase
"Surveillance Role Player" to morph into the far more
innocuous sounding "Cultural Role Player." See my 12-12-15 Cryptoscatology post entitled "Cultural Role Player" for more information about that development.)
Anyone familiar with the 1974
Alan Pakula film, The Parallax View
(or the 1970 Loren Singer novel upon which the film is based), will be unable
to overlook the similarities between this ad and the one placed in the
classifieds by the fictional Parallax Corporation. In The
Parallax View, the purpose of the Parallax ad is to lure in violent,
antisocial males as guinea pigs for their brainwashing program which transforms
these eager new employees into mind controlled assassins who are summarily
disposed of the second they’ve fulfilled their deadly function. One wonders if Loren Singer, a member of the
Office of Strategic Services (the forerunner of the CIA), based his fictional
scenario on real life events to which he might have been privy thanks to his
contacts in the intelligence world. (Potential
gangstalkers out there might want to keep the Parallax View firmly in mind before responding to such a promising
ad. If you wish to purchase a one-way
ticket on the Oswald Train, however, please feel free to submit an application

According to a
panoply of targeted individuals with whom I’ve communicated in recent years,
the corporations involved in hiring “Surveillance Role Players,” and who are
therefore at the forefront of the gangstalking phenomenon, include:
● the
aforementioned MASY Group (whose website describes the company as “a global
provider of high impact National Security, intelligence, and private sector capital
management solutions”);
● EKS Group, LLC
(who promise to provide their loyal clients with “subject matter expertise with
hundreds of years of experience in areas surrounding intelligence operations,
law enforcement, counterintelligence, human intelligence, information
operations, counter-terrorism, force protection, security matters, international
diplomacy and foreign area knowledge”);
● Prescient Edge
(whose website ballyhoo trumpets the company as “a global operations and
solutions integrator delivering full spectrum intelligence, technology, and
security offerings to corporate, federal, and international clients”);
● and ITA International
(a “global support services company” that specializes in “security and
antiterrorism awareness” with a “focus on the maritime and coastal
Other sources who
have communicated with me in the wake of Chameleo’s
publication report that three of the prime corporations involved in
gangstalking activity are as follows:
● InfraGard (which
describes itself as “a partnership between the FBI and the private sector […]
an association of persons who represent businesses, academic institutions,
state and local law enforcement agencies, and other participants dedicated to
sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the U.S.”);
● Whitney, Bradley
& Brown (who “understands the world of global security and international
affairs” and “the challenges faced by U.S. and foreign governments, as well as
their defense contractors as they navigate the complexities of technology and
export control”);
● and DSAC
(Domestic Security Alliance Council), a “strategic partnership between the U.S.
Government and U.S. Private Industry” whose mission is to “advance the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI)’s mission of preventing, detecting, and deterring
criminal acts by facilitating strong enduring relationships among its private
industry members, FBI Headquarters, FBI field offices, Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) Headquarters and Fusion Centers, and other Federal Government
entities.” Their website also boasts
that the DSAC program is “free to members, and it offers high-value benefits
including centralized access to security information, ongoing access to a
network of diverse security experts, continuing education for its members, and
opportunities to participate in DSAC committees.”
I can understand
how the benefits would be considered “high-value,” particularly if you can use
this network to initiate terroristic programs against those who have rubbed you
the wrong way. Case in point: Not long before Chameleo was published, I was contacted by a former member of the
U.S. military with experience in the corporate security industry who now runs a
website called “fightgangstalking.com.”
Though the context may be different, the way this person became a
targeted individual is not at all dissimilar to what happened to my friend
I got on the bad side of a
corporate security executive at a major international corporation (at the U.S.
headquarters of a Japanese car company).
Instead of firing me, he orchestrated a campaign of “mobbing”
(intense workplace harassment) against me by his department full
of corporate lackeys. I very strongly resisted that harassment in various
ways that did not go over well.
Because of his position and
background, the aforementioned executive had connections to U.S. federal
agencies. (He was almost certainly a
member of the Corporate-FBI alliance called InfraGard/DSAC.) He also
had connections with local law enforcement departments—and some sleazy private
investigators on his payroll. He
arranged to have me blacklisted.
In gang stalking parlance, I’m a
“targeted individual” (TI)—which, in a society with lots of servile farm animal
citizens, is perhaps a badge of honor.
Despite all the
grandiose claims of helping protect the free world from terrorism, the ugly
truth is that these mass surveillance programs are being used every day for a
far less noble goal: revenge. It’s very clear that when Dion refused to
cooperate with the NCIS, a particular member of that agency decided to contact her cronies in the gangstalking community in order to bring
the hammer down on my friend. Put in
simple terms: Dion pissed off the wrong
Again, the irony
should be clear: These corporations and
civilian organizations, ostensibly created to combat terrorism, are themselves
the most dangerous terrorists of all.
I’ve never met anyone who was personally harmed by a member of al-Qaeda;
however, I’ve come in personal contact with many innocent American civilians
who have been stalked, harassed, and physically tortured by homegrown
terrorists of the George Zimmerman variety.
Fifteen years after the events of 9/11 we must now ask the crucial
question: Who poses the greater threat
against the citizenry, Middle Eastern terrorists or the corrupt American
corporations who use Middle Eastern terrorists as a convenient excuse to run
ramshod over every freedom guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution?
Perhaps we
shouldn’t be surprised by these developments.
After all, this situation is not at all unlike the Communist witch hunts
of the ‘40s and ‘50s that destroyed the lives of so many innocent people. As demonstrated by Christopher Simpson’s
excellent 1988 book, Blowback, the
“Red Menace” propaganda that whipped up so much hysteria in the United States
beginning in the late 1940s, and continuing throughout the 1950s, was mainly
dreamed up by ex-Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen who concocted elaborate—and
almost entirely fictitious—warnings about the Communist menace in the United
States in order to keep his new masters in the United States interested in his
“expertise” regarding Russian affairs.
As a result, men powerful enough to change lives with the utterance of a
single sentence merely had to suggest that a hated enemy—perhaps the next door
neighbor whose puppy kept urinating on a Senator’s prized azaleas in the front
yard—might have Communist sympathies in
order to ruin an entire career once and for all.

If you think the
above example is absurd or overblown, you would be wrong. Not many people are aware that Gloria Naylor,
the respected American author of such acclaimed novels as The Women of Brewster Place and Mama
Day, has been a victim of gangstalking for almost twenty years. In fact, she wrote an entire novel about her
experiences entitled 1996 (the year
her horrific experiences began).
Naylor’s nightmare very much reflects the outlandish torture undergone
by my friend Dion in San Diego;
however, the trigger for Naylor’s harassment is even more absurd that what Dion
underwent. She became a targeted individual
over a trivial dispute with her next door neighbor, who just so happened to
have a brother in the National Security Agency.
When the neighbor’s cat ended up poisoned, the neighbor blamed
Naylor. That’s when her experiences with
gangstalking began. To those of you who
think this type of psychological warfare will never be waged against you, think
again. If you’re in the wrong place at
the wrong time, and you happen to pique some asshole’s wrath on the wrong day,
kiss the illusory freedom you’ve always depended on farewell.

And for those of
you who think, “Gee whiz, maybe it’s a good thing that these spooks are
watching all these scumbags 24/7. That’s
exactly what this country needs—good old-fashioned brute justice, not more red
tape.” Perhaps that attitude would be
correct… except for the fact that the “scumbags” (i.e., terrorists, rapists,
pedophiles, conmen, and criminals of all sorts) aren’t the ones being
scrutinized. For the most part, in fact,
the ones in charge are the very same “scumbags” listed above. As I said before, many of the perps involved
in gangstalking are being blackmailed into performing these acts. Those most open to blackmail are those who
are already engaging in criminal behavior.
So now we have a situation in which criminals are being funded by the
United States black budget to monitor innocent civilians being accused of
terrorism by far rightwing spooks with over two thousands years of Christian
righteousness fueling the religious war of purification waging quietly and
covertly in their disordered brains.
The alphabet soup
of intelligence agencies whose budgets soared after 9/11 will look us straight
in the face and claim that their efforts have made this country a better
place. Stop a moment and ask yourself a
variation on a crucial question that President Ronald Reagan once asked the
American people. During the 1984
Presidential race, Reagan asked his constituents, “Are you better off now than
you were four years ago?” At the time
the question was a resounding, “Yes!”
Ever since then, savvy politicians have used variations on the same
question to win votes from the American people.
But the one question that no politician will ever ask the American
people is as follows: “Do you feel more free than you did four years ago?”
The reason this
question will never be asked is because the answer would be the same for every
single American across the political, sociological and racial spectrum. The resounding answer would be “NO!” Even the gangstalkers feel less free than
they did in the past. Many of these
perps are speaking out about the positions in which they find themselves. They’re monitored more closely than the
people being stalked. My friend Dion saw
this firsthand when one of the gangstalkers actually broke character just long
enough to try to pass along a piece of advice in a random public restroom in
Minnesota before the perp’s handler barged into the bathroom and practically dragged
the man out by the collar.
If the purpose of
this nationwide gangstalking program really was to curb mass violence and domestic
terrorism, why have so many outrageous, violent scenarios increased since 9/11?
Consider this: These operatives
had enough money, time, and manpower to monitor my friend Dion—who was doing
absolutely nothing to anybody that warranted such insane violations of the
United States Constitution—but they were not at all aware of the suspicious
activities—both online and off—of a blatantly disturbed teenager like Adam
Lanza who enjoyed spending his downtime at the local firing range with his
gun-loving mother? They were not at all
aware of the murderous schemes of Syed Rizwan Farook who posted her ghastly
intentions on Facebook years before
she picked up an arsenal of semi-automatic firearms and gunned down fourteen of
her husband’s co-workers in a San Bernardino banquet room? They were not aware of the catastrophic plans
of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon bombers, despite the fact
that the two terrorists ostensibly made no secret of their intentions among
their network of college friends in Boston?
They were not aware of the reprehensible activities—both online and in
the classroom—of organized pedophiles operating blatantly out of elementary
schools and Catholic churches in Southern California
in recent years? And yet somehow these super
sleuths had the wherewithal to monitor my friend’s phone calls to such a degree
that they once went out of their way to cut off phone communication between us
in order to prevent me sending him money via Western Union. How can both these realities be true at the
same time? If they have enough time to
monitor the most mundane activities of Dion Fuller or Gloria Naylor or the
thousands of other targeted individuals in the United States, then they must
have enough time to monitor the real threats as well—the Adam Lanzas, the
Boston Marathon bombers, all the domestic terrorists who have plagued our
headlines during the past few years. But
they don’t. Instead they waste literally
thousands of dollars gaslighting a male Caucasian heroin addict in San Diego and a female African-American novelist in South Carolina? Why?
Because they’re
not interested in stopping crime.
Because the true
terrorists are the ones in charge of the gangstalking program.
The inner workings of these gangstalking cells are quite
similar to those of secret societies throughout the ages. This is also rather ironic, since many
gangstalkers appear to be heavily invested in extreme rightwing ideology, which
often harbors deep paranoia regarding non-Christian fraternities of all sorts,
including the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Shriners, etc. And yet the cosmic joke’s on them, because
their little gangstalking cells are without a doubt distorted, warped
extensions of these very same secret societies—at least in terms of the
internal structure of the operation.
Listen carefully here, for this explains why the
gangstalkers often exhibit polar opposite qualities. Sometimes the architects of the operation
seem to be strategic geniuses who can pull off surveillance and/or harassment
schemes with the coordinated grace of the Bolshoi Ballet, and yet at the same
time the individual perps themselves can often come off as third-rate bunglers
completely lacking in finesse, stealth, or improvisational skills (i.e., the
ability to quickly modify a plan once a situation has abruptly altered). Like many secret societies, the operation has
a pyramidal structure. This explains why
some of the street level operatives can seem so amateurish at times—because,
unlike the taskmasters at the top of the dog pile, many of them are indeed
To Be Continued In “A World of Stalking
Fools” Part Four (Coming Soon)….
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