Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Frankenstein's Monster Endorses FREEDOM OF SCREECH!

I recently visited my close friend, the Frankenstein Monster, and told him I had just published a story that revolves around the book Mary Shelley wrote about him over two hundred years ago. 

I told him, "The story's called 'Farewell, Frankenstein!' and it's all about this college campus in Southern California that tried to ban Mary's biography of you! How wild is that, eh?" 

After I gave him a copy of the story in question, the Frankenstein Monster said to me (and this is a direct quote):

"Emblazon the following words upon thy blog: 'I expected this reception from academia! All so-called learned men hate the wretched; how, then, must I be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things! Those of you who read these words, those of you who consider yourselves to be reasonable souls, do the sacred duty of true humanity, purchase a copy of Craig Spector's latest anthology of dark fiction, FREEDOM OF SCREECH, and read Robert Guffey's stunning reportage concerning the abhorred book the late Mary Shelley wrote about me and my tortured existence! I cannot recommend this anthology more highly!' 

"Now... begone, vile insect. Off with you, and seek no further blurbs of endorsement from me! I wish only to be left... alone!" 

Then I said, "Will you pose for a picture with me first?" 

And he said in exasperation, "Ugh!" 

The old fellow couldn't have been more cooperative. Thank you, Frankenstein Monster!

We here at really appreciate all your efforts on our behalf!

You can buy a copy of Craig Spector's FREEDOM OF SCREECH anthology (which includes my story "Farewell, Frankenstein!") via Amazon right HERE

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